POETRY IN MELBOURNE has a rich history. Any day of the week there are venues that promote poetry to a range of audiences. There is a generosity of spirit from conveners that host poetry events. Some readings have run for over 20 years!
PHOTOS: I have taken many photographs of poets over the years and here are some snapshots that reveal the variety. I have chosen images that 'speak' of Melbourne's poetry history through location, event or through its faces.
A Selection of Journals, Organisations & Publishers of Australian Poetry
Cordite http://cordite.org.au/
Meanjin https://meanjin.com.au/category/poetry/
Australian Poetry Org http://www.australianpoetry.org/
Mascara Literary Review http://mascarareview.com/
Upswell Publishing https://upswellpublishing.com/
Meanjin https://meanjin.com.au/
Overland https://overland.org.au/
Island http://islandmag.com/
Westerly http://westerlymag.com.au/
Southerly https://southerlylitmag.com.au/
Vagabond http://vagabondpress.net/collections/poetry
Puncher and Wattmann https://puncherandwattmann.com/books/poetry/